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Greetings to all 4-H members, families and leaders!

The cloggers have had a busy time since the Spring report getting ready for Farm Fair. The fair had a theme this year of Christmas in July. Leaders Council Craft Challenge of ornaments for a tree, our club pennant and our club wreath were all created and participated in by just about all our members. Above, Cailyn and Tristan are pictured with our finished club wreath. Our club pennant is there for all to see and a picture of the ornament tree is also pictured above for you to see.

We had a Too Cool for School spirit night in June and members got into the spirit for school being out for the summer. We also had our club Spirit Stick have a refresh. When we have spirit nights, the winners get to sign the spirit stick for the year and then we repaint as needed. Olina and Isabella were responsible for this year’s refresh job! See them in our picture above.
We would like to spotlight our members who presented at county level presentations. Thank you for participating in this part of the 4-H year. We are very proud to announce that we had two members qualify and compete at State Level: Joia H. and Kira M.. Both received a score of Excellent at state competition and Kira M. received Best in Room distinction. Congratulations ladies!

Farm Fair was hot and on the evening that we danced, the weather cooled down just a bit for us to get some dancing in. We had alumni members come and join in for a dance and got to see the tent fill up with fairgoers to support our club. Picture of the club is attached and you can see our “newest” member Kelce in the middle being held by Emily.
Project books will be completed over the summer and be ready to turn into the office in early September.
NEXT UP – NEW MEMBERS TIME!!!!: We are only open for new members one time during the year usually during late September. We are grateful to have a local school district allow us to practice in their location. Our practice night is Thursday. Our club flourishes and continue to grow through our new members. Please reach out to anyone you know might be interested with children from Kindergarten through High School. Ask them to reach out to Reitta Pestritto via email
That is all for now – enjoy the rest of your summer!
Submitted by:
Loretta Marshall