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What is 4-H?
4-H is an informal, practical, educational program for youth. It is the youth development program of Rutgers Cooperative Extension, the off- campus division of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station of Rutgers University. 4-H promotes resilience, leadership, and a sense of belonging all the while having fun with friends.
What is a 4-H club?
Clubs are the foundation of the 4-H program. A 4-H club is a group of five or more youth from three or more families. Each club is led and guided by two Rutgers adult volunteers.
What is eligible age to join 4-H?
Youth, grades 4-13 (one year out of high school), are eligible to join 4-H club and enroll in 4-H projects. Members of this age group may exhibit their completed work to be judged for awards. Younger youth in Kindergarten-3rd grade, can join as 4-H Cloverbud members. The 4-H Cloverbud program is a noncompetitive learning experience. Cloverbud members receive participation awards for exhibiting their projects.
What is the cost to join 4-H?
NJ 4-H does not have a membership fee. If funds are necessary to meet the members’ goals, contact the 4-H office for assistance and information about fund raising. Special events held for all clubs in the county may include a registration fee to participate.
How did 4-H originate?
4-H clubs were preceded by corn clubs for boys and canning clubs for girls, organized in the early 1900’s by public school educators who wanted to broaden the knowledge and experience of their students. 4-H became an official part of the Cooperative Extension Service which also included agriculture and home economics by the U.S. Congress in 1914. 4-H is an American idea that has spread around the world. Throughout its long history, 4-H has constantly adapted to the ever-changing needs and interests of youth.
What is the 4-H pledge?
At 4-H club meetings and other 4-H events, 4-H members recite the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance and the official 4-H pledge:
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service,
and my Health to better living,
for my club, my community,
my country, and my world
How do I join 4-H?
Interested in a 4H Club? Please contact the club adult leader listed on the website and ask to attend a meeting to see what happens at a meeting. You can visit more than one club.
Are scholarships available for 4-H members that go on to Post-High School Education?
The 4-H adult volunteers and the 4-H staff organize fund raising events to collect funds for competitive scholarships available to 12th graders annually.