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December – RNC Support + Deployed Sailors Notes and Care Package
Once again, the Active Citizenship Club decorated special spaces, trimmed shrubs and raked leaves along the Santa Quest trails at Rancocas Nature Center (RNC). The annual holiday-themed event provides fun for children of all ages.
Later that day, club members enjoyed a pizza lunch at club member’s home and then colored and wrote personal notes of appreciation on Valentine’s Day coloring pages. Olivia D. took the notes and two boxes full of snacks, activity books, fidget toys and other requested items to the post office to make their way to the sailors of the USS Stout – DDG 55 which is deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. Requests for the care package were collected by Ensign Paul Dragan, 4-H AC Class of 2020 alumnus.

Taking a break from their work during the busy trail cleanup are (left to right) Julia R., Josh R., Olivia D., Nathanael M., Manus V., Nathaniel D., Andrew F., Aaron F., Kaitlyn L., and Briee S.

Kaitlyn L. and Briee S. enjoy decorating the character sculpture, Woody, a beloved part of the RNC troll trek. Created by Jason Brown, the sculpture can be seen playing the banjo in the forest.
Valentine’s Day notes and coloring pages for the sailors of the U.S.S. Stout.

Olivia D. at post office with boxes bound for the U.S.S. Stout which is deployed to the Red Sea.
January – Fun Facts about Inaugurations + Community Service Stations

Kaitlyn L., Briee S. and Evie W. pause alongside the decorated display case in the 4-H lobby. Club members provided a variety of items the girls used to create a fun and informational display for passersby to learn about the history and meaning behind presidential inaugurations like the one held on January 20 this year.
Also in January, club members worked efficiently at a business meeting to knock out three different service projects:
– making dog and cat toys for the local county animal shelter
– writing and drawing cards for residents of Aspen Hills Longterm Care and
Rehabilitation Center
– 10th year assembling and wrapping up birthday party supplies for local children

After laying out all the supplies, Joshua R., Andrew and Aaron F., and Lucas K. work together at the birthday box and bag assembly station.

Next was delivery. Exclaiming how much local children 12 and under would appreciate being able to celebrate their special day, Nicole Wilson, director of the Generations Family Success Center, and a staff member gratefully receive the13 birthday bags and boxes Olivia D. brought them.

Nathaniel D. and Olivia D. received more words of appreciation for the Club efforts when each dropped off their respective items to both Aspen Hills Longterm Care and Rehabilitation Center (29 handmade Valentine’s Day cards for residents) and the Burlington County Animal Shelter (canned food and braided dog and cat toys).
February – Revolutionary War Museum Field Trip
In addition to community service, Active Citizenship Club members also learn about history and civics. After exploring the Revolutionary War Museum in Philadelphia, members reflected on what they saw and learned on their visit. I” found [it] interesting that the colonists became allies with France, Spain, different Native American tribes, and other European countries,” said Kaitlyn L.
Manas V. saw an exhibit of the actual tent that George Washington used in battle set up his tent with his soldiers, and noted that he had “always thought generals would have their own designated area for their tent, but Washington wanted to inspire his army so he set up his tent with his men.” Additionally, Lucas. K shared that he, “found it interesting that Washington actually had two tents, but the first one broke.”

Lucas K., Briee S., Julia R., Evie W., Jeremy D., Josh R., Kaitlyn L., Aaron F., Andrew F., and Manus V. pose for a photo outside of the Revolutionary War museum in historic Philadelphia.