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The Goat Gang club just had our seventh meeting of the year, and we’ve learned a lot! January had the club worked up at the Goat Extravaganza! Every year, our club attends this state event. We split into groups and prepare a presentation together about a specific topic. This year the topic was ‘How Will the Goat Industry Change in the Next 20 Years’. Then we have pizza and ice cream! We finish the day with a skill-a-thon and a quiz bowl, where we compete to show off our goat knowledge.

The Goat Gang at the 20th annual NJ Goat Extravaganza
In February, we learned how to read labels on goat medicine and feed bags. Some of the things we learned to look for are selenium, fat, protein, calcium, and copper. At our March meeting, we learned how to know when your animal is sick and how to treat them, or when to call a vet! In April, we look forward to a bake sale we have every year as a fundraiser for Farm Fair to pay our show judge.
Arya W.
Goat Gang Reporter