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The beginning of our 4H year has had the 4-H Goat Gang club learning a lot! In September, we talked about parasites. We fed the goats pine leaves, to help control parasites in the herd. In October, we decorated the trophy case at the 4H office.

From left: Maddie, Zoey, Hannah, Charlee, Cheyenne, Colton, & Arya
At our October meeting, we learned all about cheese making. There was a lesson on cheese, and then we each got to make our own cheese to take home. While the cheese was cooking, we got some extra time out in the barn with the animals! In November, we had a lesson about keeping our goats healthy. We made a spinning wheel that shows all the ways we can manage our goats health. The older kids had a lot of knowledge to share.
In December, we look forward to our annual Christmas party. Every year we each bring a $5 gift to exchange, there’s lots of food, and we always do a craft.
Arya W.
Goat Gang Reporter