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One donation at a time.
During December youth members from the Crafty Cats and Barnyard Bandits 4-H Clubs worked together to make a holiday basket that would include everything a family would need to make Christmas Day special. Youth gathered food and toy donations to fill each basket. The Barnyard Bandits also received an anonymous donation of $150.00 to support their efforts. The donation was used to purchase a food gift card for the basket. A special family in Pemberton Borough was the lucky recipient of this basket.
Giving Back to the Community
Club members wanted to thank community members that have helped make their 4-H year more successful. The Special Holiday Basket was given to Pemberton Borough as they have provided a safe space for the club to host their monthly meetings.
Photo: Youth members Finn and Betty and club leader Nona presented Officer Tyler O’Brien on Saturday with the Special Holiday Basket.