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Headlines Report – Fall, 2023
This report is from the Burlington County 4H Cloggers and will include events that took place from September to November.
Pictures are included for your enjoyment.
In September we helped out at the Southampton school’s PTA event. We had a good crowd with us.

In September and October, we warmly welcomed new members to our club. There were about ten new members joining us.
Our Halloween party took place on October 26, and we had a performance on October 28 at the Chews Landing United Methodist Church Fall Festival.

Several very worthy opportunities were presented to us for community service. The officers discussed them all, and presented the top two to the club to vote for the one that they wanted to support. We look forward to collecting toiletry items for homeless people in Philadelphia for the next several weeks.

Happy Holidays to all 4H families, we will see you in January!
Respectfully submitted,
Kira M., Recorder