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OTT Application of Dicamba
Increased reports of off-target crop damage prompted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement additional requirements for over-the-top (OTT) application of dicamba products in dicamba-tolerant soybean and cotton. Specifically, certified pesticide applicators must complete annual, product-specific training prior to the use of these products. The three dicamba products that require this training are the only products registered for OTT applications in dicamba-tolerant soybean and cotton, which include:
- Xtendimax with Vapor Grip Technology (Bayer)
- Engenia Herbicide (BASF)
- Tavium plus VaporGrip Technology (Syngenta)
To complete the product-specific training, visit the herbicide manufacturer’s website and locate their online training module. Upon completion of the training, print out the certificate of completion and store it with your pesticide application records for a minimum of 3 years.
You should also review this Plant and Pest Advisory article on 10 Best Management Practices to Avoid Herbicide Drift. For more information dicamba training requirements, check out this EPA article on frequently asked questions.
Paraquat Dichloride
As a result of numerous deaths caused by accidental ingestion of paraquat, the EPA has instituted a training requirement for anyone involved in the mixing, loading, application, or other handling of paraquat. The online training, which can be found on the National Pesticide Safety Education Center website, must be completed every 3 years. Once you’ve completed the training, print out your certificate of completion and store it with your pesticide application records.
For more information on paraquat dichloride training, check out this EPA article on frequently asked questions.