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Report Written by: Christina B., Eastern Regional High School
April 2022
Burlington County 4-H STEMClub remained active through the pandemic by meeting virtually but is now meeting in person for those comfortable doing so. While meeting virtually, we continued to work with our 3D printers which we had previously assembled and now learned how to print our own designs. Each participant was able to demonstrate their work during our meeting and discuss what was learned in the process.

Next, we worked with Kerbal Space Program to build space shuttles digitally. We learned about some basic aerospace topics and created spaceships able to orbit the earth!
In February we began a new exploration into programing and robotics. Our sponsor, Lockheed Martin provided each of us a “Makeablock: Ultimate 2.0 Robot Kit.” The kit makes 10 different model robots which we are learning to program to do simple tasks.

Our first in person meeting in February allowed us to build one of the robot models. Subsequently we are exploring ways to use and program these robots.

We are very thankful for our supportive generous sponsor and for our extremely dedicated mentors who plan such excellent projects to inspire us in the STEM fields. I know that I personally have truly enjoyed being challenged in areas that I had never previous had opportunity to explore. We have learned about basic electronics, robotics, 3D printing, and now robotics with computer coding. This is truly an exceptional program for individuals like me who want to explore STEM fields as a possible major in college or for a future career.
We want to give a special thank you to our advisors and mentors: Matthew Patane, Caitlin Carfano, John Halenar, Julia Ma, Corey Becker, and Harry Eaton. They each get involved to make this club unique adding their expertise and inspiration.